Sunday, December 15, 2013

[HowTo-Hacks Tutorials] 3 Data Editing

Index Dataset Creation .
TVD Computation.
Merging Datasets .
Graphical Data Editing .
Smooth, Differentiate, Integrate, Interpolate Curves .
Smooth .
Smooth with missing values .
Median Smooth .
Derivative smoothing .
Linear Interpolation.
Spline .
Integration .
Outliers Cleaning.
Despiking .
Data Editor.
Data View.
Curve creation by calculation..
Copy + Paste .
Link to MS ExcelTM.
Discretizing Quantitative curves .
Creation of an �Array� curve.
Column extraction from an �Array� curve .
Search and Replace functions .
Variable View.

this page is NOT an official schlumberger page 

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