Tuesday, December 31, 2013

[HowTo-Hacks Exercises] 3 Computing volume of shale, porosity and saturation using Quanti.

 Computing volume of shale, porosity and saturation using Quanti


- Filter on Dataset 
- Invoking the bad hole flag method 
- Select zones 
- Manual input of the parameters 
- Apply type, Automatic launch and Cascade mode 
- Saving the output 
- Computing volume of shale using the Gamma ray method 
- Graphical adjustment of the parameters 
- Using the histogram for end points setting 
- Computing volume of shale using the neutron-density method 
- Using the density-neutron cross-plot to tune the parameters/end points 
- Calculating a final volume of shale 
- Saving the Quanti workflow and parameter table 
- Computing total porosity using the density-neutron method 
- Saturation calculation using Archie�s method 
- Using the wheel to adjust the Rw value 
- Saving Quanti workflow and parameters
- Multi well Quanti 
- Monte Carlo

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