Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Google Helpouts: the new service for personal assistance

Google has officially launched a new service called Google Helpouts accessible to everyone. A product intended to allow the public to get personal assistance over live video from real persons on real time.
Google Helpouts was initially launched in private mode last August. Today, more than 1,000 experts are registered to share their expertise. Originally, eight categories are proposed: arts and music, cooking, fitness and nutrition, education and career, computer and electronics, home and garden, fashion and beauty, and finally health. This new service is available  as a market place where you can learn how to fix a computer, take music lessons, prepare a cake, and many other things.
Google Helpouts is a marketplace for advice. Each expert freely setting its rates, the payment is made after the session from Google Wallet only (for now) and Google receives a commission of 20% of the amount received by the expert.
But, if the user is not satisfied with the service provided, he can claim a refund of the amount paid. The assistance is 100% money back guaranteed by Google. Google always keep a copy of the video delivery to judge if the refund is legit.

Note! Google Helpouts is also available for android phone on Google Play

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