Sunday, November 24, 2013

Travel to Middle Earth with Journey through Middle-earth

Google has recently published a new experiment around the upcoming The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug. Discovery that should please fans of Tolkien�s work and its film adaptation. With �Journey through Middle-earth�, you will be able to visit Middle Earth and immerse yourself in the world of Lord of the Rings saga.

Through a large interactive 3D map of Middle Earth, Bilbo�s journey becomes yours. From Rivendell to the terrifying fortress of Dol Guldur. All with a captivating soundtrack.
The immersive 3D graphics in �Journey through Middle-earth� were built with CSS3 and WebGL, and it�s the first Chrome Experiment designed to bring this beautiful 3D experience to mobile.

Journey through Middle-earth, A Chrome Experiment:

Source: Google Blog.

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