Tuesday, June 9, 2015

What are CTR & CPC in Google Adsense Account?

What are CTR & CPC in Google Adsense Account?
If you are one of the editors of Google Adsense and was used to monetize your web site for a period of time, but still have some confusion about the different tools and reports available in GA your account so I will be happy to share with you some tips. Here, in this tutorial I will talk about the Chinese Communist Party and the reports AdSense CTR. However, at a later time in the future, you may talk about ad blocking feature, a custom URL, and create an ad unit 300 * 600 RPM in Adsense, allowed to many of the options available to you on your GA account sites channels. But for now, let's talk about the Chinese Communist Party and appearing in the details. This is a tutorial for all new publishers who do not know about these two features for advanced users, and I would say you should take care of your time.

What is the CTR in Adsense?

When the account information page of your GA visit, you'll see the option which means that the CTR (click through rate) and this is different from Google CTR. CTR in your account is the percentage of people who have visited your site / blog and clicks on the ad. If 50 people visited your site and be a 100 page views, and clicks on the ad 10 times, and this means that the CTR is 10%.
In another example, if 100 people visit your website and see pages 200 and clicking on ads than 6 times, that is, the click-through rate will be 3%. Is not it simple enough to understand ??? ...
Read also: How to increase profits with Adsense?

What Adsense CPC?

Chinese Communist Party is another factor that is displayed in the information section only after the amount of profit, and CCP is an acronym for (cost per click), cost per click that shows how much you pay per click.
Learn more about: Top Adsense Niches in 2013

CPC Example 1:

If you receive $ 10 for ten clicks to say the CPC is $ 1.00. If you have already received $ 1 for 10 clicks to say, the CCP is 0.10.

Example 2 CPC:

You can get one click of US $ 10 or you can get to click on 000.00. Because it is forbidden advertisers trades. So you can different types of CCP every day. Adsense shows rates of the CPC to let you know the number of clicks "that you receive.
You might want to read: Top Adsense alternatives
What now?
The above are some examples to understand the Chinese Communist Party and appearing Adsense account, however, you may be interested to know the increase in CTR and CPC to increase your profits with Google Adsense dramatically. Yes men, in my GA lessons comes I'll give some tips to increase CTR and CPC dramatically.
Do you have a better time with Adsense and maintain a smile to your loved ones! Allah Hafiz

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