Tuesday, June 9, 2015

How to Report Invalid Clicks to Google Adsense?

How to Report Invalid Clicks to Google Adsense?

Google Adsense is a PPC (per click) advertising network that pays you for valid by visitors on their sites / blogs clicks. Invalid clicks actually happen really in the interests of users. Google ads are very close and relevant to the content of your web site. Thus, users will click on ads naturally if they are relevant to the query that you want. This is a network of the meaning of the Joint Declaration Google has three main parts, advertisers pay Google for your ads and publishers who display Google ads on their sites, and users who display ads. Google tried to assess the trust between all parties. And therefore attach great importance to all of them, however, and money is important for Google advertisers to successfully operate the network over the past 10 years. Even Google is responsible for the depth of clicks on publisher sites. Google is closely monitoring every single click if was created or produced illegally.

The question now is: Sometimes it happens invalid activity in your AdSense account, which is painful for the Liberation of fair and impartial time. Because you can not really prevent illegal activities on their websites, click the bombing or sabotage is another name of AdSense clicks fraud ads. So chances are if someone is either jealous or can be your enemy, you can manually click ads without informing it; you can use the software / bot to automatically generate hundreds / thousands of clicks on the ads within minutes.
See also: Top 5 high-paying Adsense

What should you do if you got incorrect activity on your account?

Google says. I was responsible for traffic and visitors. And take care of your website and Adsense ads that appear on their sites, but the question is: How can a publisher prevent people from viewing Web pages? This is really very difficult. However, Google said that if you have any kind of bombing click or clicks artificially let us know, and we will monitor your account. So what you need to do is; when I saw unusual activity on your account, you must report it immediately to Google following the link below:
Activity report is valid for Google
Forum is a form of direct contact with Adsense, you must complete this form with accurate information about the activity that occurred in your account. Adsense team will do the rest for you.
If you receive or click bombings invalid activity in your ads once and then use the form above to Adsense know the situation. However, if the person was repeatedly clicking on your own ads, you need to complete to your site affected for several days.
I recently attended a webinar hosted by the team in Adsense + Google, and has published two important issues that if a publisher is to implement faithfully account for more than 2 or 3 years, it should be aware of a violation of the policy rather than disable your account at all. The second important question I posted. The system should Adsense automatically detect invalid activity in any place, and this can be done easily by simply ignoring the more than 3 or 5 clicks from a particular IP address. And my questions have been estimated by many other publishers of this seminar.

Last words

I AdSense publisher for the past 3 years and have used honest criticism of my websites and blogs. However, I received an illegal activity or click on the bombing several times in my sites. Every time you said activity takes effect immediately AdSense Team. I know that you should not worry too much about the invalid activity because it is the way of life, which sometimes goes wrong somewhere, though. : D.
Just be true to AdSense and never use illegal methods to win with Adsense, instead of hard work to produce quality content and make readers. The use of organic search engine optimization of the movement in the long run and get help from all sources, including the Google engine. You can follow any Adsense blog each update on the Adsense here:
AdSense official blog
And now let me know your thoughts in the comments section, and also say how it constitutes, or was your experience with Google Adsense and have you ever received any improper activity in your account, and if so, tell me how to deal with it? Hear stay in ..!

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