Friday, April 19, 2013

How to Check Paypal Pre-Approved Payment List

Paypal is an easy and secure way to pay for services on the web or send money to people.
But what exasperates me is the notion of preapproved payments that some  vendors put up very quietly to make subscription sales without informing you explicitly. This often happen for the renewal of a hosting or a domain name.
If you do not take care, you can end up with spending money for something that you do not really want.
Of course From the Paypal interface, it is  possible to view all payments that have been preapproved that we�ve authorized, but the option is still not very accessible. If you continue with this tutorial, you will learn how to Check and Cancel Pre-Approved Paypal Payment.

How to Check and Cancel Paypal Pre-Approved Payment List:

  1. Connect to your Paypal account.
  2. In the menu bar, click on �Profile�.
  3. From the left side bar choose �My Money� .
  4. Now from the list find �My preapproved payments� and click on �Update�.
  1. All preapproved payments are displayed in a table, those who are active and those who have already been canceled.
  2. If you want to change the status of a payment (Activate or cancel), Click on a �merchant� from the list then choose �Active� or �Cancel�.

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