Tuesday, October 15, 2013

How to Convert Torrent to Direct download

Yes, that�s right. You can direct download torrent files. There are numerous benefits of direct download over the download through bittorrent clients � the ability to pause and resume at any time, download is more secured since it is not a peer to peer transfer, torrents with even less number of seeds can be downloaded (since the connection has a blazing fast speed), download is much faster and less resources of your CPU are consumed. Most importantly, this is very helpful in case bittorrent clients or the protocol itself is blocked on your PC.
Here�s how you do it. First of all open your favorite Bittorrent tracker and download the .torrent file of the content that you wish to download or just copy the link.
I am going to download a non-copyrighted file just for the purpose of explaining the method to you. After you have downloaded the torrent metadata file (.torrent), go to this site.

Click on �upload .torrent file� and choose your .torrent file, or just past the link that you've copied and click �Go�. You�ll be redirected to an other page, click �Free�
After that you should see something like this:

Wait for the bar and click on the download link.
Choose �Free�, and Congratulation, Direct download has begun! Enjoy
NB: The download was used for illustration purpose only. None of the files have been actually downloaded. This tutorial is meant for educational purpose, what you wish to do is up to you. We take no responsibility.

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