Saturday, March 30, 2013

Convert text and images into ASCII art

You�ve often wondered how can the authors achieve draw pictures using only letters and special characters. Today I will show you a variety of generators available online which can help you to convert a simple text or image into a variety of characters of the ASCII code.






If you want to convert a text into ASCII art, here is a list of sites that you can use to do so:

Image To ASCII

Here is a list of websites that can help you to convert images to ASCII:
Chine Informations
D�cos & d�grad�s

Friday, March 29, 2013

How to get a virtual computer online

We have seen in an older post how to get a virtual desktop for FREE (look here), today I will show you how to get a virtual COMPUTER online  pre-loaded with over 40 apps that you can access and use from any iPad, iPhone / iPod Touch or Android smartphones or simply from your real computer.
With this virtual COMPUTER you�ll have web browsers (Chrome, Firefox), media player, and a full office suite (Open, edit, cut/paste & save Word, Excel, & Powerpoint) and many other options.
Having this virtual computer can be very useful, to those who have a poor connection, I personally use it for hisgood bandwidth, you can download or upload your files in no time. The only problem is that you should pay to get the full service, otherwise you�ll be able to use it for about 10 minutes, and you�ll have to reconnect to re-use it.

How to get a virtual computer online

Virtual Computer
To get this virtual computer you will have to:
  1. Visit and signup on this site.
  2. Click on Connect to my AlwaysOnPC to download the application.
  3. Confirm your signup by clicking on the link in you mail.
  4. After that you�ve installed the application, run it. and enter your email and password that you used in registration.
  5. Now you�re done, you can use your new virtual computer at will.
 Virtual PC
NB: When you register you will have a trial period of 5 days, after that your account will be permanently deleted, so you have to create an other account (with the same email if you want).

How to shutdown your computer after a certain time

Today I will show you a nice trick that can be very useful, After reading this, you will learn how to shutdown your computer automatically after a certain period of time without any program, this can be very useful for people who like download, now you can let your downloads and schedule computer to shut down after a certain time, this can be even helpful for parents who don�t want to let there kids for a long time behind a computer.

Schedule computer to shutdown after a certain time:

To schedule your computer to shut down, all you have to do is:
  1. Click on  �Start�.
  2. Select �Run�.
  3. Then type the following command:    shutdown -s -t 3600
  4. Press �Enter�.

Please note:
  • Be careful about the spaces between the characters (just copy/past).
  • 3600 is in second, That means 1 hour.
After entering this command your computer will automatically shutdown after 1 hour, you can increase that time by doing a simply multiplying 3600 by the number of hours that you want.

  • Shutdown after 3 hours = 3600 x 3= 10800.
  • Shutdown after 5 minutes= 5 x 60= 300.
  • To automatically shutdown after 3 hours you enter:     shutdown -s -t 10800
  • To automatically shutdown after 5 minutes you enter:     shutdown -s -t 300

NB:  After that you have scheduled your computer to shutdown you will see a countdown window.

Cancel scheduled shutdown

 If at anytime, for any reason, you want to cancel the scheduled shutdown it�s very simple:
  1. Click on  �Start�.
  2. Select �Run�.
  3. Then type the following command:    shutdown -a
  4. Press �Enter�.

Change folder color Windows

Are you sick of searching though a sea of same yellow folders to find the folder you need?, Windows doesn�t give you a single option to change it, but today we will show you how to have beautiful folders, and how tochange the color of your folders.

Changing the color of the folder can help you spot and differentiate folders easily, rather than just depending on the folder name. This can be a beautiful way to be different.

  1. Download and install Folder Colorizer.
  2. To start customizing your folders icon color,all you have to do is: right click on the folder
  3. Then select �Colorize!�, and pick any color from the list.
  4. Now the color will change automatically from the standard yellow to a nice color.
You can have more customized colors by selecting �Colorize!� then click on �Colors��. in the step 3.

Monday, March 25, 2013

10 ways to get a virtual desktop online

Virtual desktop applications allow the user to manage multiple, independent desktops within the Windows interface. The advantage for this type of applications is that it gives you the ability of having your computer with you anywhere you go, the only thing you need is an internet connection. We will give you 10 ways to get a virtual desktop online.

Virtual desktop

Jooce is manly a storage space online: the virtual office allows to upload all types of files (videos, photos, word text, spreadsheets, PDF ...), their size or number is not limited currently. It also offers an instant messaging tool, compatible with ICQ, AOL, Yahoo and MSN, and multimedia software for pictures, sound and video.

[notification type="alert"]Update: This site is not working anymore.[/notification]


The same thing  as Jooce: Once the account is created, the user has access to an online storage space that looks like a desktop operating system. You can upload your audio, video or photos, organize files, move, and rename everything at will. Even the inevitable trash present.

[notification type="alert"]Update: This site is not working anymore.[/notification]


Mybooo goes beyond Wixi and Jooce. With a very polished interface and very ergonomic, this virtual office offers the most applications found on a typical desktop: word processing, spreadsheet (provided by Zoho Office), email client, address book, calendar, RSS reader ... The user can also store all kinds of media files that can be played online.

[notification type="alert"]Update: This site is not working anymore.[/notification]


Officity differs from its predecessors by directly targeting professional users. The virtual desktop consists of a standard interface in Flash, which can store files and manage its collaborative work with various proposed applications: an address book, a calendar, webmail, one online publishing tool ...


EyeOs is certainly one of the most complete virtual desktops in terms of desktop applications offered: word processing, spreadsheet, presentation software, calendar, messaging software. The most important thing is that it is Free and easy to use, it also provides an FTP program to allow users to transfer files more easily. Only one problem: the ability of the storage space is not specified.


OOdesk is in the same category as MyBooo: the almost complete range of office tools, coupled with a media player. Here too, we can build a network of friends and share files. Big advantage: the interface is customizable by adding widgets, just like Netvibes offers. However, no information on the storage capacity.


DesktopTwo has only few office tools, but it can store all types of content. The interface is a bit austere and shows ads at the top of the screen. Easy to use anyway, it has 1 GB of storage in its free version. Otherwise, you have to go to the paid version  $ 25.

[notification type="alert"]Update: This site is not working anymore.[/notification]


ContactOffice is a virtual desktop very comprehensive, but also very austere when compared to its predecessors. Navigation is tabbed between folders, and it is impossible to have multiple applications open at the same time. The target is clearly the professional user.


Ulteo propose desktop applications, instant messaging, and how to read e-mails (Thunderbird) and surf the internet inside interface (via Firefox). The presentation is simplistic and uninspired, alongside that offer rivals.


YouOS was launched in 2006 to suddenly disappear from the web, without further explanation on the part of its creators during the summer of 2008.

[notification type="alert"]Update: This site is not working anymore.[/notification]

[notification type="success"]You can also check : How to get a virtual computer online. [/notification]