Friday, October 16, 2015

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How To Hack 8 Ball Pool Guide Lines By Saftain Azmat

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Saturday, September 26, 2015

How to Earn 1000$ in a month from Fiverr - Make Quick Money

Fiverr is Top website for those people who want to earn Money online and their Willing to do any job.If you want to earn upto 100$-1000$ online then Fiverr is the one place where will complete your dream.So First ready up your mind to Make Quick Money with Fiverr.

Fiverr is now becomes a Big Platform for those Freelancers who have something to Sell and for Those people who wanted to buy something From fiverr. This 5$ service of Fiverr have totally changed the Life of people and Now people are earning daily more then 100$-200$ from their Homes.

What Services you can Offer on Fiverr ?

Before coming to Fiverr mostly people have a question in their mind that what they will or what they can Offer on Fiverr for earning Money from it.Some people don't come to Fiverr because of this Threat they are not Professional to willing this work.but Once you start on Fiverr , you can made up your Previous mistakes and become a Professional Gig Seller on Fiverr.

So Here the answer of your question that What kind of Services that you can offer on Fiverr.
  • 1:You can Provide A Software for 5$ on Fiverr
  • 2:You can Sell Twitter or Facebook Accounts for 5$ on Fiverr
  • 3: You can Provide the Service for Convert videos to any format for 5$ on Fiverr
  • 4:You can be able to Create a PPT presentation for 5$ on Fiverr
  • 5:You can Write a code which can take max. 1 hour for 5$ on Fiverr
  • 6:You can Can do some research on any topic for 5$ on Fiverr
  • 7:You can Install the wordpress for 5$ on Fiverr
  • 8:You can Create a Logo or a Banner for 5$ on Fiverr
  • 9:You can Provide a Article for 5$ on Fiverr
And in addition any kind of that you are willing to provide easily and in Professional way on Fiverr.
Here are some Experimental Tips for ranking Fiverr Gigs and Improve your online Money easily.

Create Effective Gigs

The main key to Double your Monthly earning on Fiverr is to make your Gigs in a Effective way.The look of your Gig Tell all the Buyer about your Service that you are Offering.Always Give a beautiful Look to your Gig to attract Buyers for hiring you for there work.

Use Quality Image

Image in your Gig is the main thing that a buyer first Look before coming and making an order to you.The image in the Gig is fundamental Of getting more orders by attracting buyers to it.So Using a High Quality of image into Your Gig is important fact for getting a lot of Orders.

Add Killer Description

The Description of the Gig is the Most important factor of Increasing the Number of Order in Fiverr.This is the Only thing that you have to put in a way that makes an Deep impact on the Buyer whenever he comes to your Gig for Checking your Gig.

Adding Killer Description in your Gig Will won't let the Buyer Goes any where because it tell him All about the importance and the Quality of your service.

Using Proper Tags

Many Sellers that are Fiverr doesn't know the importance of Tags.That cause of not increasing their Gig rating and also not Orders.Using the Tags into Your Gig is the Only way to tell the site about what your offering on Fiverr for Selling.If you don't have add Tag in your Fiverr Gig Then whenever someone search for some thing on Fiverr that is related to your Service there you will get very low chances of getting order because he doesn't see any tag Related to his Taste.

So best is that you should provide Proper Tag on your Fiverr Gigs to tell The Site Search that what you are going to offer in your service.

Friday, September 25, 2015

7 Secret Ways to Rank Fiverr Gigs For Highest Earning

7 Secret Ways to Rank Fiverr Gigs For Highest Earning

Fiverr is one of the TOP Networks in world ,where daily a lot of people earn upto 100$-300$ depend on their hard work .The more the Hard Work you do On Fiverr the more your earning will be increase.In other words we can say that fiverr is a key to thousand $$ on daily month routine.So for better results for getting more income on internet is to start working on Fiverr from today.

Ranking Fiverr Gigs is very important strategy for newbies who have started their work on fiverr recently.Rank Fiverr Gigs is a key to get high income and rating your Profile on the Top of The Fiverr when you started your work on fiverr.

So for new users who have choose fiverr for their earning , here some experimental Tips and trusted ways which will lead your Gigs to Rank high on Fiverr for Highest Earning.

Secret Ways to Rank Fiverr Gigs For Highest Earning

1:Think Properly

The First step you have to do on fiverr is to first make your mind what you are going to offer on fiverr .The most thing is to ready you are mind for that service that you are going to Offer in Fiverr.Often it doesn't matter either how much skills you have in it.So first Ready up your mind for your Service that you will offer to fiverr buyers.

2:Setting Up Gig:

Once you have chosen the right offer for Fiverr , Now next step is to Setting up your Gigs on Fiverr .Mostly people who have the ability to provide their services on Fiverr but they have not sense How to represent their Gigs on Fiverr.

In other words it is the main part for Rank Gigs on Fiver and Increase your fiverr earning by getting a lot of Fiverr , once you will set your Fiverr Gigs in a proper way.
For example, using a image ,video and other detailed information about your service.

3:Use Keyword in Title:

Keyword is the main Target for rank higher on Fiverr.Always assign a unique Keyword for your Gig and put it in your Fiverr Gig Title.The best way to choose a keyword is to study the other Users who are providing the same service and what kind keywords they have used in their title from which they are able to rank their videos on fiverr.

4:Choose Perfect Category and Use Quality Image:

After choosing the write keyword for your Fiverr Gig , now next step is to choose a perfect and suitable category for you Fiverr Gig .That is the most important part because the category you will choose is the main place where your gigs will appear.

Once you have choose the write Category now next step is to use High Quality image for your Gig.The image is a way to attract buyers that what kind of quality service you are going to provided.Image in your Gig tells all about the Quality of your Gig and importance.So that's why i prefer you to use a image which relates to the standard of your Fiverr Gig.

5:Use Keyword in Description:

In above steps , i have already told that assign a unique Keyword in your Gig title , now next is to put your Main keyword in your Gig Description as well.This is mater of ranking your Fiverr Gig because mostly people Search For keywords rather then checking the profiles for their required Gig they wanted to buy.

Using keyword in your Gig description will help buyers to come to know about your Gig.Add a unique Description upto 500 words rather then 2,3 lines for defining your Service .The description on your GIG is very important element and it tell the all about How much reliable your Service is.

6:Use Proper Tags:

An Important thing to rank your Fiverr Gigs is to use Proper Tag in your Gig.Adding proper Tags about your gig is way to get notified by the Fiverr about what you are going to selling.Tags will show gigs related to the other Fiverr gigs that were ranked and on the Top , by using same Tag for your Gig will also lead your gig to get ranked among them.

7:Upload a Video

Video are the most important Fact for getting more order in Fiverr .As Fiverr have officially tells that those people who have used video in their Gig are sell 220% more then any other gig.
Use a perfect video about your Gig .Video tell all about the concept of your service.You can use video Softwares for making up an animated that put positive impression on your gig and will help you to get Thousand of order and increase your Fiverr earning easily.

How to Optimize Images for Better Search Engines Ranking

Optimize Images for Better Search Engines Ranking
Images creates a big role of site RATING and SEO Ranking in Search Engines.Whenever Search Engines Spiders and Crawlers come to your blog for Indexing your Pages into Search Engines ,They not Just give importance to your Content that you have posted .It also depends on your Post Images and customizing them in a way that they can easily get Huge traffic from Search Engines.

Blog Images make a very important part of a Website.Adding Images into Blog Posts is a way to exciting your blog readers with visual look of your blog and moreover this is also a cause of extra entertainment.

Images searches on search engines is a way to drawing Huge new Readers to your blog through optimizing your images for better performance in the Search engines.But most of blog owner's are unaware of it and in its results is lost of that unique Traffic that they will get through Google images Searches.Most of people just go to Google images and type any keyword that is related to your image topic will be visible to him, In this way you can daily get a Huge Natural traffic for your blog by Images optimization Practice.

Tips for Optimizing Images for Boost Traffic from Search Engines

Tip #1:Adding Title Text and ALT Tags

Those people who love images are a good way to getting traffic from them.But if you have some general knowledge that Visitors have ability to see and understand the What the Images is about what for , but computers have not.Whenever a Visitor writes and search for specific Text on Google Images ,there you will see those images that were fully optimized with Adding Title Text and ALT Tags.

Google Web Crawlers  Can't Read that text which is written on the Image ,but they can easily crawls that text that you have inserted into an Image Title and in ALT Tag.So that's why Search Engines Crawlers and Spiders just show the Results of that images that have unique  Title Text and ALT Tag.

For Example, you have uploaded a Picture of  "Horse" into your Blogger and in the "ALT TAG" field you inserted "Elephant" , so Google simply crawls your Image in the Results of "Elephant" but in reality it is a "Horse" image .This why because Google Search engine Crawlers and Spiders doesn't Read and understand images that you use on Blog , They simply identify and Crawls them into Search Engines according to the "Title" and the "ALT Tag" that you have added in the Image.

Images name are also another fact of Search Engine Results.Whenever you are going to Upload a image on blog first give him a unique name in order to getting indexed it into search engines as Getting Huge Traffiv Term through Search Engines images.

Tip #2:Add A Caption

After Adding a unique Title and ALT Tag into your Blog image , then next is to add a "Unique Caption" into your blog image.By adding Caption into your images will help Browsers to easily understand that what they are looking in the image.This will gives a Better appearance and more people get to go your blog.

Mostly People go to your Blog by using Google images but most of people are come for just Downloading the Image from your blog for their Own use.In order to get attention of visitors to your blog is to add a Unique caption in the image ,so that they will comes to the conclusion to take a look at your blog.

Tips #3:Image Size

The Size of the Image is very important Fact as in SEO matter as well as in Loading of the Blog .Loading of the Blog Page is plays a very critical role in SEO and also had a deep impact on Visitors .In these Modern Days no one wants to wait for 10 seconds , but in some website due to a lot of High Quality images and High Images Size it take a lot of Loading Page full .but as a visitor Don't like to wait so he decides to go to other site rather then stops at your site and wait for compilation of the Loading of page.

As Traffic Matter ,always take great care of your blog loading because visitors pay attention to those websites which were easily opened and loaded in no time.
Always use Adjustable Image Size for your blog and try to optimize image to keep the small size as much better quality result in the Blog Page.

If you have a Camera that you use for Taking Images , but images taken from a camera are usually more then 1MB in size and that is not comfortable for Website loading purpose and also it effects the SEO of that website.
You may use some Photoshops and try to reduce the Size of the image and then post it into your Website/Blog.

After Applying these Tips for Optimizing Images for better Search Engines Ranking ,your site then will Loaded perfectly according to the visitor needs and also will help your blog in Increasing its SEO ranking on the Search Engines.

How to Build High Quality Backlinks

How to Build High Quality Backlinks
One of the Important and Experimental Way of Ranking a site on Search engines is to Build High Quality Backlinks.By Building High Quality Backlinks it will help you to boost traffic in your Blog and increase your Blog rating on search engines.

Backlinks are works very critical role in Ranking a site in Search Engines. If you have get High Quality Backlinks then it will help your blog to boost Content on Search Engines over your competitors.However , Finding a working method for creating High Quality backlinks is just take little effort.

Before you start to go for the Further Tutorial, First take a look on What is a Backlink ? and What a Backlink will do for ranking your Blog Content.Afterwards ,then you can start Creating Backlinks for your Blog and Get easily ranked your Site.

What is a Backlink ?

Backlink is the link of your Site that is connected to the other websites in the Search Engines.In Simple words , A Backlink is Vote that you got from another website by adding your site there .This Vote then will count as Backlink and search engines then Ranked your Blog content according to your Backlink Quality.
The more the Backlink of your blog the More the Ranking and the Search Results of your blog Visibility will increase in Search engines like Google , Bing  and Yahoo.

Quality of Backlink is very important that you have created for your blog , because 5 High Quality Backlinks are more valuable then the 100 Poor Quality Backlinks.So Building High Quality Backlinks Must have always your strategy.

If you have mind to do Long Term Strategy , then always your goal must be to getting Much High Quality Backlinks as much you can.Often the Good Quality Backlinks will lead your blog to success.

How to Build High Quality Backlinks

Create Long and Interesting Posts

One of the most important factor for getting High Backlinks for your blog is always writing good posts on your blog.The more Long tutorial including images , Short paragraphs and other little designing in the post is make it interesting and more understandable by the Visitors.Your Mind must be set on writing the Post that has more than 1000 words which is a good way to making the post interesting for the reader.

If you have a better Grip on English and you have ability to explain the things in a better way . then always try to Post things with their fully details.

Participating in Forums

If you are active user in Forums then you can use them for getting link back traffic into your Blog.Try to get in touch with the other users and might they offer you after seeing your blog post writing potential for Building High Quality backlinks.

Hence ,Forums are best way to generating unique Traffic to your Blog as well as Building High Quality Backlinks.

Write e-Books

An E-Book is the best way for spreading  your Knowledge and talent in all over the world. You can use Social media site for this purpose and ask your friends to Share your e-book on their Profiles.It is another best way for getting High Quality Backlinks for your Blog.

By writing E-Books will also help you in enhancing your Writing Skills ,However in this way you can able to Build High Quality backlink for Your blog.

Make and share Videos

Youtube is a way that we can use it for spreading our Content in the whole world by making and Sharing videos on Youtube.In these Youtube becomes very Big Tool for marketing .If you have the ability to make some Funny or interesting Videos ,then you can use them for getting High Backlinks.

If you have more interest on Tech Things , then you can create and share your Tech videos on youtube.For Making Videos always Keep the strategy to cover those topics that are commonly started from "How to" words.With this Strategy when someone see your Video ,and if it might helpful then he also suggest it with his friends and that practice make your Blog increase Backlinks.

Do Guest Post Blogging

Another way to interact users with your blog is to do Guest Posting for building Backlinks for your blog.Try to find a Good place to Do Guest Posting and write and Post High Quality content and link Back from it to your blog.

By doing Guest Post on other Blogs will a viral way to generate High traffic for your Blog .With this you can also have friendly relation with other Bloggers and they might also Will Link you back in Different Places.Guest Posting Is depend on your Content Quality , The Best quality content you will provide for Guest Posting will give you more traffic for your blog as well as also make positive impression to that blog owner.And he might come back to you next time.

7 Great Search Engine Optimization Tips for Bloggers

7 Great Search Engine Optimization Tips for Bloggers
You might also know about that SEO stands for Search Engines Optimization. In other words you can say it is a way of Ranking out Site on Search Engines like , Google, Bing , Yahoo. By Applying these 7 most Guranteed tactics of SEO(Search Engine Optimiztion) into your site, Your Site will definitely Rank on #1 Page on the Search Engines page Results.

Actually SEO is works like a backbone of blog or website .Without Proper knowledge of SEO , your Blog will never rank into Google Search Results.By Doing Proper SEO of your Blog will help your Blog in gaining High rank on Search Engines in a short period of time.

What are the Ways to SEO Optimize your Blog

There are different for SEO Optimizing your Blog  .Before you go the 7 Tips of SEO (Search Engine Optimization) i would suggest you to read out these tactics that were posted on this Blog.

Optimize WebPage URLs

By Optimizing Webpage URLs ,the visibility of your Blog in Search Engines will increase very higher.However you have to deals with Webpage URLs in order to get more traffic from search engines.

On-Page Search Engines Optimization

In On-Page SEO, Includes Optimizing H1 , H2 ,H3 ,H4  in Blog Titles.Writing and Managing the content of Blog Posts.

Off-Page SEO is about creating High Quality Backlinks for your blog  for increase its ranking.You can Create High Quality backlinks for your blog by Blog Commenting ,from Forums and by Guest Posting.

7 Great Search Engine Optimization Tips for Bloggers

So now let's come to the main topic of "7 Great Search Engine Optimization Tips for Bloggers" . Here are most experimental Tips that will help your blog in increasing its Search Engines visibility and Ranking.

1:Create SEO Friendly Blog Post Titles

Post titles are very important Factor of SEO.Whenever you are writing a Post First Make sure that either you have Write Unique and SEO Friendly Blog Post title or not.Because Post Titles are the Major objects that effect highly in Search Engines Results visibility and cause of ranking .Put unique Post Titles that get proper Attention of the Visitors whenever your blog shows in Search Engines results.

Your Title must by Simple , Descriptive and most important thing is that is must be easy to understand ,that will be easily understand by the Users and fetch their Attention.Another way of assigning Better Blog Post Titles is to make feel that you are a visitor and think how you will you search on Google if you want to Find something on Google.

A little example of Making a Unique Blog Post Title is to Write How to People Are Search on Google .
The Most Common type of Blog Post Title is to Start it From "How to" ,if you are going to make a Tutorial on some Topi. see screenshot related to it.
Search Engine Optimization Tips for Bloggers


2:Quality Of Content

Quality of Content is always had a Deep impact on SEO. If you think there is no value of Content after doing proper SEO then you are wrong.Content of your Blog are the keys that lead your blog at the Top of Search engines Results.And The Poor Content will never get rank because of there are a lots of site in search engines , In ranking purpose they will Give importance to the Rich Quality of Content rather then Poor Content.

Before writing any Post for Your Blog  , never do copy-paste because Google not like this Copy-pasting practice and they are very strict to it.Always try to Write Quality and if possible add some images that were related to the topic.Just use those images that are sufficient for That post  , Don't Filled the Whole Post with images because Images Take very Time For Loading and this thing creates a bad impression on Visitors.

3:Using Keywords

Keywords are the Short description about the real Topic that were used for searching specified content in Search Engines.In simple words it is way to get to your Content from Search engines.Don't overload the whole post with your Main Keyword.Best is to use it on the Top,Middle and at the end of The Blog Post.

In Ideal case use it in your Post Total as i have right my Blog post title "7 Great Search Engine Optimization Tips for Bloggers"  and in the start or at the end of a Paragraph.

4:Adding Meta-Tags

Meta-Tags is another way great way for SEO optimizing of a Blog.But mostly people say that if you have added the Meta-Tag then you have done the ALL SEO  , but they are wrong .In the present situation the Google And other Search Engines have pulled their Hands back by Met-Tags for finding a Site information.

But it just not on Fully remove Meta-Tags from your site.You can also Use them for your Blog, Some themes have already Added Meta-Tags into their HTML source.or if you are using WP the you can add this third-party ALL IN ONE SEO PACK and install it in your Wordpress site.

5:Do Socialization of your blog

Always try to get more friendly with the Social media sites like . Facebook ,Twitter , Instagram etc.Create your Profiles in these Social media site and Start sharing your Content their.It is better way to get traffic and however it is also a way to get link back to your blog.

Try to get friendly with your readers ,so that they can give positive reviews about you blog.And this thing also helps Google Spiders and crawlers to feel the importance of your content.

And In this Way you can also get higher Ranking in Google Search engines.

6:Link in and Link-Out

Creating HyperLinks on your Blog Posts is also a important SEO perspective.
For example.While writing a Blog post and their you have came to post that is related to other Post that you have already Posted on your Blog ,so their you can add your That related Post to also make the Visitor to go and read it .In this way you can also be able to increase your Blog Post Pageviews easily.

7:Write on Daily Basis

Write Posts for Your Blog/site Regularly . Try to Post fresh Content and Also do it on daily basis.By posting Articles daily it will help your blog in gaining rating highly because when you post article daily then Google Spiders and Crawlers will Daily Visit your Blog  and in resulting it will help your Blog in increasing Rating and enhancing SEO.

Once you will Follow up all the Instruction and tips completely that were posted above int this post , then you will never say that you don't know what is SEO and How to get Highly Ranked a Site on Google.

Thursday, September 24, 2015

How to Remove Blogger Images Shadows and Borders

How to Remove Blogger Images Shadows and Borders
In your Daily Basic routine of blogging ,you have might a maximum number of images into your blogger.For example you have posted on a Celebrity and there you have uploaded a number of Images.So there you have also seen Shadow and Border around that images that you have uploaded.Sometimes you don't like this and wanted to remove those Shadows and Borders but you have failed every time because of No Knowledge and No Guide about removing them.

So in this tutorial You will Learn How you can Remove Shadows and Border from Blogger Images/Pictures.Follow these instruction and easily remove Shadows and Borders from Blogger images/Pictures.

How to Remove Blogger Images/Pictures Shadow and Border

Step 1:Go to your Blogger Dashboard ,then click on "Template" and Hit on "Customize" button.

Step 2:Once you will click on "Customize" , then a new window will open.From there Click on "Advanced" . then again click on "ADD CSS" . now there Copy and Paste this below code.
.post-body img, .post-body .tr-caption-container, .Profile img, .Image img,
.BlogList .item-thumbnail img {
  padding: 0 !important;
  border: none !important;
  background: none !important;
  -moz-box-shadow: 0px 0px 0px transparent !important;
  -webkit-box-shadow: 0px 0px 0px transparent !important;
  box-shadow: 0px 0px 0px transparent !important;
As you can show in this Screenshot.
Remove Blogger Images Shadow and Border

After Adding the code into CSS input field, then Click on "Apply to Blog" for applying these codes.Now open your Blog and there you can see blogger images appeared without any shadow or any border.

NOTE:If This Method Doesn't work into your Blog Then Follow this new Method:
Step 1:Go to you Blogger , Then click on "Template" and Select "Edit HTML".

Step 2:Now Press (CTRL+F) from your keyboard for opening the Search Box. Then paste this Code and Find it in your Blogger template.
border: 1px solid $(image.border.color);

  -moz-box-shadow: 1px 1px 5px rgba(0, 0, 0, .1);
  -webkit-box-shadow: 1px 1px 5px rgba(0, 0, 0, .1);
  box-shadow: 1px 1px 5px rgba(0, 0, 0, .1);
Step 3:When you will find these code into your Blog , Now delete them from your Blogger Template.

If you can't find this code any where inside your Blogger template , then try to search for this Code in to your Blogger Template.
-moz-box-shadow: 1px 1px 5px rgba(0, 0, 0, .1);
Once you will find this above code into your Blogger template  ,Simply delete it and Save the Template.After Saving the Template you will not Find any Shadow or Border around your Blogger images/pictures.